Cookie statement

In order to provide you with the best possible service, this website uses cookies. Below we explain how and why this happens.

What are cookies?

When visiting this website, cookies are placed on your computer, tablet or smartphone for keeping statistical and research data. Cookies are small, simple text files. At your next visit the cookies are used to recognize you. For example, cookies ensure that you do not receive or need to enter the same information each time you visit our website. Your settings and preferences are remembered and that makes a next visit to the site easier. In addition, thanks to cookies, the information and offers on the site can be tailored to your preferences.

What do we use cookies for?

With the help of a session cookie we can see which parts of the website you have viewed with this visit. We can therefore adapt our website and services as much as possible to the surfing behavior of our visitors. These cookies are automatically deleted when you close your web browser. We only place tracking cookies if you give us permission to do so. 

By clicking the 'Accept cookies' button or by further clicking on our website, you consent to the placement. A so-called tracking profile is created, which is not linked to name, address, e-mail address and the like, as known to us. The profile makes it possible to set the website to your preferences. 

Permanent cookies can be removed via the browser.

Deny cookies

Do not want to allow cookies? You can manually delete cookies via the internet browser or have them deleted automatically upon termination of an internet session. You can set the internet browser so that a message is given when a cookie is placed or set so that cookies can not be placed. In some cases you can not use the website. 

Also see our privacy statement.


Finally, buttons of social media are included on the website. The code used for this is from the relevant media. We have no influence on the further use of this information by these companies. Read regularly the privacy statement of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to know what they do with your (personal) data.

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